Welcome to The School at Stillpoint!

Hi guys!

I am so glad you are here! 

The School at Stillpoint is the learning platform for classes purchased at Stillpoint Aromatics.  Here, you will find all of your courses, zoom links, replays and course materials.  In each course, you will be able to ask course specific questions and interact with your classmates! 

Whether you are new to essential oils, are a Certified Aromatherapist, medical professional, or somewhere in between, my courses are a perfect fit.  We meet you where you are and challenge you to expand your essential oil knowledge and usage.

I am so excited to introduce, The Oil Vortex, our community where essential oil users from  all of our courses and the general public can interact and share all things essential oils.  Feel free to hang out and get to know everyone.

Tutte Cose Buone and love,
Virginia Joy and Bella Chica

The School At Stillpoint's Philosophy

Our classes are not just boring lectures.... they are thought provoking, investigatory, exciting, fun, and expansive.
You will get the unbridled truth and honesty.  There's no pretense.
You will learn to integrate essential oils, aromatherapy, into your knowledgebase so that you are able to apply them freely.
You will become a Plant Magician!
You will have full access to your course materials forever!
We show you how to integrate and access the Vibrational aspect of essential oils, the Doctrine of Signatures and Cosmo therapy.
We teach you to use essential oils with you pets in a safe, effective, and respectful way.
We teach you to reclaim your health and your power.

Check Out Our Courses

Join my school and you won't regret it..

“There’s soooo much more to Aromatherapy than chemistry and recipes. " Our classes teach all of that AND you will also learn:
 ·       the importance of plant parts,
 ·       the energetic properties of plants,
 ·       the importance of folklore,
 ·       how to get to the root of a problem to truly facilitate healing,
 ·       how to tap into your client’s subconscious energy to develop unique blends,
 ·       how to safely use essential oils with pets  

Most of all, you will learn to think out of the box and trust your intuition.  This combination of knowledge will transform you from an average Aromatherapist to a highly skilled Plant Magician.

Classes are taught by
Virginia Joy Musacchio,
Write your awesome label here.

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